Tips for Safer Using

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The toxic chemicals used to make crystal, and the lifestyle changes that often accompany use, are hard on your body. Your brain and body need adequate amounts of food, water and sleep to recover from Tina use. If you’re able to meet these 3 areas, you can minimize the negative health impacts and have more enjoyable highs. Healthier using requires planning ahead and practicing new habits. Here are some tips that other users have found helpful:

Set Limits

  • Decide how long you want to use before you start/get high
  • Decide how much you’re going to take. If you binge, you increase health risks and feel worse when you crash.


  • You won’t feel like eating while you are using, because Tina works suppresses appetite – but not your body’s need for an increased caloric intake (See Page How Tina Affects Your Body)
  • Start snacking early. If your stomach is completely empty before use, you will feel less like eating.
  • Try to maintain your normal caloric intake to avoid weight loss and starving your body and brain of nutrients. You will be burning up more calories than normal when you are using.
  • Try applesauce, bananas, protein shakes and meal replacement drinks and bars, oatmeal, and yoghurt if you have trouble with more solid or substantial food. Any amount is better than nothing. Have these foods nearby when you use.
  • Avoid foods that are high in sugar. Sugar will make mood swings worse and increase drug cravings.
  • Remember to plan food intake to coincide with any HIV meds that require food. Use a timer or alarm to help you.
  • Consult with a nutritionist or naturopath for vitamins and nutritional supplementation to compensate for additional requirements resulting from use.
  • If you can’t eat during use, then at least eat before you use.


  • Your body needs water to handle the stresses of Tina. Increasing water intake will make your crash softer. You need a minimum of 2 litres per day.
  • Signs of not getting enough water are dark yellow urine, and dry mouth
  • Sip small amounts steadily, to keep a steady intake and lessen dry mouth
  • Sport bottles are a good way to keep sipping small amounts and tracking intake to make sure you are getting enough
  • Have water accessible: in the fridge, with you, and available after you crash so you can easily consume more before sleep
  • Keep other beverages to a minimum, especially ones that contain sugar, alcohol and caffeine. Sport drinks are good to replenish electrolytes if you become dehydrated, but contain sugar. Fruit juices (not “drinks”) are ok. Caffeine in energy drinks and coffee dehydrate you further.


  • Getting enough sleep is critical to reducing the onset and severity of mental health problems like paranoia and delusional thinking. Know how much and how long is ok for you and again, stick to that limit.
  • Have a sleep plan. Make sure you have a safe place to crash. Know when and where you will be sleeping if it is not at your place.
  • Take chill-out breaks from activity while high to hydrate, eat and check in with your body.
  • Create an environment that is conducive to sleep:. Calming music at low volume on repeat can help, with dim lights. If you can’t sleep, try short naps or even rest with your eyes closed.
  • Don’t push yourself until you are completely exhausted. Know your own crash cycle. Eat, take meds, shower, and take care of your oral health before you crash.


Learn from others. Talk to users and ex-users who manage their health well while using for other tips.