Methods of Consumption

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Also called “Eating,” this is the safest, healthiest way to consume meth, and also reduces to possibility of developing an addiction, and can be useful in reducing use if you are already worried you might be addicted.

How it’s done:

Put your dose (Crystals, or crushed crystal powder) into empty gelatin capsules which you can get at low cost from health food stores. Some people mix it into water, juice, soda, or add it to coffee to make “biker coffee.”

You can also “parachute” in which Tina is wrapped in a small bit of toilet or tissue paper then swallowed. Try using un-bleached, or un-dyed paper.

Time to get off:

About 20-60 minutes – slow and gentle onset, depending on how much you take and what is already in your stomach.

Things to watch out for:

This method involves the fewest risks.

It’s not 100% without risk, especially if there are contaminants in your meth, or if you have stomach troubles, like ulcers.

Swallowing drugs offers advantages to other ways of taking them:

  • Your body has a safety mechanism for anything swallowed that could be dangerous to you – you tend to throw up or vomit.
  • Drugs are absorbed more slowly through the gut, which means the effects of the drugs tend to be less intense, but the effects last longer.
  • The risk of transmitting HIV or Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is negligible (non-existent)

Strategies to reduce risks:

Fill the capsule yourself. Be cautious with pills someone else prepared, because you never know what could be in it.


How it’s done:

This is a common method of use. The crystals are chopped up into a powder using a razor blade, knife or credit card. This is easier if you crush the shards while still in the baggy first. The powder is inhaled into the nasal passages through a straw, rolled up bill, or bumper, and then absorbed by the blood vessels of the mucosal membranes.

Time to get off:

5 minutes or less

Things to watch out for:

Snorting drugs erodes the tissue in the nose. The lining of the nasal passages is delicate and easily leading, causing nosebleeds, sinus trouble, and even permanent damage to the nasal structure. Shared straws, bills and bumpers can transmit cold-flu germs, lead to sinus infections and even transmit HCV.

Strategies to reduce risks:

Chop the crystals very finely. Chunks in your nasal passages cause damage and aren’t fully absorbed into the bloodstream. Don’t share snorting paraphernalia. Your dirty keys are better than everyone else’s dirty keys. With long-term use, snorting can become an ineffective way of delivering the drug because the nasal passages can’t absorb any more of the drug if the nasal passages become congested or damaged. Be sure to give your nose a break, and switch to swallowing if you use regularly.

Booty Bumping

How it’s done:

Dissolve meth in lukewarm water and squirt it up your ass hole via enema. The drug is absorbed by the blood vessels in the lining of the rectum.

Time to get off:

5 minutes or less

Things to watch out for:

Getting fucked after after booty bumping can be risky. The drug is abrasive to your rectal lining, which can increase the entry point for sexually transmitted infections. It can cause rectal bleeding, or “Pinking.” Bits of meth can also get on your partner’s penis.

Strategies to reduce risks:

If you booty-bump and then get fucked, bottom make sure he has a condom on. Make sure you use clean water to dissolve the Tina. Don’t share booty bump syringes – you could be sharing more than a good time – you or he could end up with Hepatitis, parasites or any number of diseases.

Hot Railing

How it’s done:

The tip of a short glass stem (or middle of longer stem), is heated until red-hot. The end of the stem is placed over a bump or line. The heat vaporizes the Tina and the vapor is inhaled, usually through the nose.

Time to get off:

Less than 1 minute

Things to watch out for:

As with smoking, the vapor is carcinogenic and can irritate your lungs. Nasal passages also can be worn down from regular nasal inhalation. The stem will be very hot, and can burn you or someone else. Be careful not to spill any melted Tina on yourself.

Strategies to reduce risks:

The stem can transmit HCV. Use your own stem and, if you must share, wash the stem between uses and users. Keep your eyes on the hot stem before, during and after railing. And have a glass or metal tray or dish to put the hot stem on after you’ve done your hit.