The circulatory system includes the heart, blood, veins and arteries. Arteries pump fresh blood, oxygen, and nutrients out from the heart to the brain and body. After the fresh blood nourishes the muscles and organs, veins collect tired blood and carry it back to the heart. In order for us to feel the effects of Tina, it must pass through the blood brain barrier (BBB). The BBB is a misnomer. It isn’t a barrier at all but a permeable membrane that crystal meth passes through. The route and time Tina takes to reach the BBB depends on the method taken to consume it.
Of the five ways of consuming Tina, swallowing it in pill form is the slowest and comes on the most gradually (approx. 20 -30 minutes). Injecting into a vein produces an instant high and rush. Injecting Tina takes it directly to the heart and from there it is circulated throughout the body, BBB and the brain. This takes a few seconds. With the onset of the rush, the heart beats faster and harder, and veins and arteries constrict (get skinnier). Constricted veins and arteries reduce blood flow and increase blood pressure. Blood can clot more easily to stop bleeding, and your body thinks it might be hurt.
- Heart beat gets out of rhythm (arrhythmia).
- High blood pressure can increase risk of heart attack.
- Risk of heart infection from injecting (endocarditis).
- Heart muscle walls thicken (Left ventricular hypertrophy) which can lead to a stroke or heart attack.
- Do not mix other drugs that stress your heart like Erectile Drugs (e.g. Viagra™) or solvents like Poppers in combination with Tina.
- Have your heart health and blood pressure monitored by your Doctor
- Left ventricular hypertrophy can be moderated and reversed with medication and lifestyle changes. Ask your doctor.
- Practice safer slamming to reduce risks of infection.